Tag: health

  • Never Do Nothing

    Never Do Nothing

    When life throws punches, our fitness often suffers. My secret weapon: Minimum standards. A personal plan to maintain momentum, even when swamped. Adapt it, schedule it, just don’t stop! Click to read more.

  • Use the Recovery Breath to calm yourself down almost instantly

    Use the Recovery Breath to calm yourself down almost instantly

    The “double-inhale, long and slow sigh” is an awesome technique to calm down quickly.I use it in between my workout sets and when I’m feeling stressed during work. Give it a try, I’m sure you are going to feel more relaxed in a second!

  • How to Sustainably Improve your Nutrition

    How to Sustainably Improve your Nutrition

    Our online gym members lose weight naturally, following a step-by-step process. You can do the same on your own, starting from today. Check today’s article to learn how.

  • 3 Ways to Improve your Bodyweight Workouts

    3 Ways to Improve your Bodyweight Workouts

    It’s an unwritten rule to always include bodyweight exercises in your workouts. But what to do if push-ups, bodyweight squats, etc. get too easy? Click the article to find out.

  • Weight Loss 101

    Weight Loss 101

    Losing weight can be challenging and I’m not going to tell differently either. But when “challenging” turns into “frustrating”, it makes sense to look at the first principles of how to lose weight and reevaluate your approach.

  • The “Hero Combo” for a strong back and better posture

    The “Hero Combo” for a strong back and better posture

    No gym needed! This simple exercise combo promotes back health. Watch the video to learn a quick combination that improves posture and boosts your mornings.

  • Flexible Workouts

    Flexible Workouts

    The traditional, rigid gym routine might not be the optimal approach for those working remotely. Rather, a more flexible approach to fitness has been my key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The secret lies in having a diverse selection of workout plans readily available. Ready to ditch the one-size-fits-all routine and elevate your fitness journey?

  • The 80/20 Diet

    The 80/20 Diet

    Forget restrictive diets. Our secret to keeping gym members fit is simple: aim for 80% healthy eating. It’s a sustainable way to see results without sacrificing all your favorite foods.

  • Why Remote Workers Must Train Extra

    Why Remote Workers Must Train Extra

    My dad’s a 63-year-old carpenter and stronger than many remote workers in their 30s. Here’s why his physically demanding job keeps him adventure-ready, and what remote workers must do to stay fit. Click to read the whole article.

  • Remote Work Fitness Issues

    Remote Work Fitness Issues

    We are all different but our bodies work mostly the same.This is why you probably had to deal with at least a few of the following, common remote work issues.Let’s look at how you can deal with each one! Bad postureIt’s a mix of muscles that are too active, others that are basically turned off,…